January 27, 2020 6:34 pm
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When a fire breaks out, it’s always good to have a fire extinguisher on hand to put out the flame, but sometimes that isn’t enough. The best way to fight a fire is with a built-in system that goes off the instant smoke or a flame is detected. Instead of installing a traditional sprinkler system, opt for a clean agent system that puts out fires using inert gases instead of water. Keep reading to learn more about clean agent systems in Longview, TX. What are the benefits? We wouldn’t specialize in installing clean agent systems if they didn’t offer quite... View Article
January 13, 2020 6:34 pm
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When a fire breaks out, your first thought should be to call 911. However, the fire department can’t always be on the scene as quickly as you need them, so you may have to tackle the situation by yourself while you wait for them to arrive. This is where fire extinguishers in Longview, TX come in handy. When used correctly, fire extinguishers can reduce the flames or potentially even put the fire out altogether. Keep reading to learn a little bit more about fire extinguishers from our professionals at Anchor Safety Inc. Types of units If you thought all fire... View Article
December 24, 2019 9:59 pm
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As a business owner, you must be familiar and compliant with certain requirements surrounding fire and emergency safety signs in Tyler, TX, including exit signs. Here’s an overview of some of these requirements of which you should be aware. Keep in mind that these are standards as set by agencies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA); there are some states and cities that may apply their own additional laws that are even more stringent, so be sure to familiarize yourself with regulations and building codes in your area as well. Means of egress All exit signs must... View Article
December 10, 2019 9:59 pm
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One of the most important preventative measures you should take with your paint booth is to make sure you’re completely outfitted and prepared for a potential fire. Fires are perhaps the most serious potential hazard associated with paint booths and spray finish applications, even when working in a safe area. Even if you’re completely confident in the safety measures you’ve implemented to prevent a fire from occurring, it’s still crucial that you’re properly prepared for a worst-case scenario to arise. Here are some tips that can help you analyze the situation and make sure you’re capable of effective paint booth... View Article
November 20, 2019 2:41 am
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When a fire breaks out, the first priority for a property owner or emergency responder is to extinguish the flame, but this is often easier said than done. There are various fire classes that must be handled differently in order to extinguish the flames. Understanding different fire classes is important to ensure that homes and businesses are equipped with the fire extinguishers and suppression systems that are most appropriate for whatever type of fire threat is present. Many commercial environments are at risk of Class K fires, and it’s important to understand this fire class to determine whether Class K... View Article