
What Is the NFPA?

July 16, 2020 9:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you own a building or business, chances are you’re familiar with the NFPA. The National Fire Protection Association is “a global, non-profit organization that promotes safety standards, education, training and advocacy on fire and electrical-related hazards.” It aims to protect people from the dangers of fire and electrical hazards, and issues safety standards for owners everywhere. The NFPA’s goal to protect people from fire hazards includes a significant amount of research and education for first responders, business owners and even electricians and engineers. By promoting high standards for safety, fewer people will be harmed by fires in North America.... View Article

Learn About Paint Booth Fire Suppression

July 2, 2020 9:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

If you have a paint booth in your place of business, you are likely required to install paint booth fire suppression equipment. NFPA Standard 33 and OSHA require a full system, but you may be expected to follow additional local regulations, too. Unfortunately, when you’re painting and working around solvents and other flammable materials, it just takes a single spark to produce disastrous results—especially because spray paint hangs in the air. Read on to learn more about paint booth fire suppression systems in Longview, TX, then get in touch with the staff at Anchor Safety Inc. to have one installed... View Article