December 15, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
Many commercial structures will require the installation of exit signs and emergency lights. Choosing these lights and signs carefully will be an essential part of the construction budget. These lights and signs are also a crucial part of your safety plan for the structure. This quick guide will provide information on the benefits of LED exit signs and emergency lights. Why Exit Signs Are So Important Structures such as stores, offices, restaurants, schools, hospitals, churches, and others are required to adhere to certain safety protocols inside a structure. These types of buildings usually see a lot of traffic in and... View Article
December 15, 2021 11:13 pm
Published by Writer
No matter where you work, it’s paramount to invest in the right emergency safety signs and lighting. Emergency lighting and safety signs can help turn a chaotic situation into a safe and manageable one. If your building doesn’t already have these essential safety measures, invest in emergency sign installation right away. Doing so can help you and everyone else in the building avoid serious injury in the event of an emergency. Below, we cover everything you need to know about emergency signs and lighting. Use the information to help you find the perfect emergency safety signs and lighting for your... View Article
December 24, 2019 9:59 pm
Published by Writer
As a business owner, you must be familiar and compliant with certain requirements surrounding fire and emergency safety signs in Tyler, TX, including exit signs. Here’s an overview of some of these requirements of which you should be aware. Keep in mind that these are standards as set by agencies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA); there are some states and cities that may apply their own additional laws that are even more stringent, so be sure to familiarize yourself with regulations and building codes in your area as well. Means of egress All exit signs must... View Article
March 7, 2019 7:21 pm
Published by Writer
How often do you think about exit and emergency signs in Longview, TX? If you’re like most people, the answer is rarely to never. In fact, many of these products don’t cross most people’s minds until there is an emergency. Then, they are crucial. Why are these signs so important? Here are five reasons that exit and emergency signs in Longview, TX should be a top priority for your location. They Guide Some buildings offer straightforward layouts, while others do not. Certain facilities, campuses or even small buildings can feel like a maze. Exit signs provide direction to those inside... View Article
December 21, 2018 7:16 pm
Published by Writer
According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), buildings need at least two exits. However, if the number of employees or the size of the building does not allow the safe exit of everyone, more exits may be required. Installing an illuminated exit sign can cost anywhere from about $90 to $250. If you’re building has more than two exits, the amount of money required to install enough illuminated exit signs can quickly add up. In order to save money, you may be thinking of using non-glow signs for some of your exits. The question is, can you do... View Article