
When and How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

July 22, 2021 3:43 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Every home should have fire extinguishers available to use should a fire emergency situation arise. In addition, everyone in the home (of a reasonable age) should learn when and how to use the fire extinguisher so they can be prepared if a fire occurs in the home. The “when” here should be relatively easy to figure out—if there’s a fire, you probably need to use an extinguisher to prevent it from spreading and worsening. But there are some other issues to consider: Have you already alerted others to the presence of a fire? Has someone already called the fire department?... View Article

Important Fire Safety Tips to Always Keep in Mind

July 8, 2021 3:42 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whenever you have an open flame burning around your house, it’s important to make sure you maintain good fire safety practices. If you fail to practice good fire safety, a small flame could quickly turn into a large blaze. Here are just a few fire safety tips you should follow that will help you practice good fire safety all year round, regardless of whether you have anything burning at the time: Test your smoke alarms: Your smoke alarms are what alert you to the presence of a fire that has grown out of control. Smoke alarms save lives, so it’s... View Article