January 8, 2019 11:56 pm
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Fire alarms might be one of the most important devices you could have in your home or place of business. These relatively inexpensive and seemingly simple tools literally save lives every day by alerting people in the building that smoke or a fire is present. This allows people to evacuate the building before the fire spreads. We are all taught that fire alarms are important, that we should make sure we have enough fire alarms in our home or business and that they are always working properly. But have you ever wondered how fire alarms work, or whether there are... View Article
December 21, 2018 7:16 pm
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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), buildings need at least two exits. However, if the number of employees or the size of the building does not allow the safe exit of everyone, more exits may be required. Installing an illuminated exit sign can cost anywhere from about $90 to $250. If you’re building has more than two exits, the amount of money required to install enough illuminated exit signs can quickly add up. In order to save money, you may be thinking of using non-glow signs for some of your exits. The question is, can you do... View Article
December 7, 2018 7:16 pm
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What safety threat are all businesses susceptible to, regardless of security, location, capital and other resources? The answer is fire. In 2017, an estimated $23 billion in property damage occurred due to fires. What you may be surprised to know, however, is that all that damage was not caused by the flames of an out of control fire. Unfortunately, water damage caused by sprinkler systems is also to blame. In fact, in some cases, the water damage is often more extensive than the damage cause by the actual fire. So what is a business owner to do? The answer is... View Article
November 26, 2018 5:53 pm
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Standard response fire sprinkler heads are the ideal choice for commercial or industrial facilities, including factories and warehouses as well as your more conventional office buildings and high-rises. These sprinkler heads are specifically designed to set off individually to prevent causing water damage when there is not any fire present in that particular area. These sprinklers do not activate as quickly as other types of sprinklers, such as the quick response sprinklers. They require the heat from a fire to reach a much higher temperature before the liquid found inside the bulb begins to expand, causing the glass to break... View Article
November 12, 2018 5:53 pm
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A fire suppression system is one of the most important safety features you could possibly have in your facility. This system is made up of your sprinkler system, fire extinguishers, exit lights and fire alarms, all of which must be in excellent operational condition at all times to ensure the safety of all people inside the facility. Why exactly do you need a fire suppression system in Longview, TX? Here are just a few examples of some of the benefits of having those systems in place, and reasons why you would never want to be caught without one: They’re relatively... View Article