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A Five-Step Process for Investing in Fire Suppression Systems in Longview, TX

March 21, 2019 7:21 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Fire suppression systems in Longview, TX are critical to the safety of commercial and industrial settings. The installation and operation of these systems requires a five-step process to ensure the safety of your facility and its occupants. Following is an overview of this process. Use this guide to create a safe environment at your location. Your local experts in fire suppression systems in Longview, TX can apply their in-depth knowledge of these systems to help you each step of the way: Evaluation: What fire suppression system is best for your setting? Do you need vent-a-hoods? Class K agents? The needs... View Article

The Importance of Exit and Emergency Signs in Longview, TX

March 7, 2019 7:21 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How often do you think about exit and emergency signs in Longview, TX? If you’re like most people, the answer is rarely to never. In fact, many of these products don’t cross most people’s minds until there is an emergency. Then, they are crucial. Why are these signs so important? Here are five reasons that exit and emergency signs in Longview, TX should be a top priority for your location. They Guide Some buildings offer straightforward layouts, while others do not. Certain facilities, campuses or even small buildings can feel like a maze. Exit signs provide direction to those inside... View Article

Understanding Clean Agent Fire Suppression Systems

February 20, 2019 5:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While water and traditional chemical fire extinguishers have been a popular fire suppressant of choice for decades, it’s important to realize that these two options aren’t always the best way to address a blaze at your place of business or institution. In fact, many modern offices, manufacturing centers and research facilities require a more specialized approach to fire suppression technology. Today’s business world relies on sensitive equipment that could be permanently damaged or destroyed when exposed to water and chemical agents. If this applies in your situation, you may want to consider investing in clean agent systems in Longview, TX.... View Article

Types of Fire Extinguishers

February 6, 2019 5:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

To the uninitiated, it may seem like all fire extinguishers operate similarly and serve basically the same purpose: they use a chemical agent to put out open flames. In reality, however, there are a number of different fire extinguisher types that all serve slightly different purposes, and are capable of fighting different types of fires. If you’re looking for fire extinguishers for sale in Longview, TX that can meet the needs of your business or institution, it’s important to consider the different types of extinguishers and weigh them against the types of fire risks that are present at your site.... View Article

Do I Need a Fire Alarm and a Sprinkler System?

January 22, 2019 11:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

With a new year upon us, many homeowners and businesses may be going over their annual checklists to make sure their buildings are in order. Fire suppression systems in Longview, TX, are an essential part of any building maintenance checklist—are you sure your building is prepared for fire safety and prevention? Fortunately, the team at Anchor Safety Inc. is here to help. We field a lot of questions from businesspeople and homeowners about fire safety systems, and there is one question we get quite often: Do I need both a fire alarm and a sprinkler system, or could I just... View Article