June 18, 2020 5:54 pm
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We all know that water is effective in putting out fires, but it’s not always the right choice. Sprinkler systems can save a building, but they can also damage expensive electronic equipment or art and documents in the process, and certain types of fires don’t respond well to water at all. When you have a lot invested in your business, you don’t want your fire suppression method to cause just as much or more damage than the fire itself. Waterless fire suppression systems in Longview, TX are a smart choice for businesses that rely on extensive and expensive electronic equipment... View Article
June 4, 2020 5:53 pm
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There are many different kinds of fire extinguishers, which are designed to put out certain types of fires. For example, what works well on an electrical fire may not put out a cooking fire. It’s important that users get the right kind of fire extinguishers for the fires they’re most likely to encounter at their home or business. Halotron I is an extinguishing agent in Longview, TX that was created to replace a popular extinguishing agent that was harmful for the ozone. Its clean operation makes it a safer choice. How Halotron I works Halotron I uses HCFC-123, which is... View Article
May 14, 2020 9:40 pm
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Keeping your business’s building and your employees safe is not only a moral obligation, but a legal requirement. When it comes to fire prevention and suppression, that means having the minimum number of functioning fire extinguishers for your specific building, as prescribed by the National Fire Protection Association, OSHA and your city and state’s local requirements. When you need advice about how many fire extinguishers you need in your Longview, TX business, Anchor Safety Inc. can help by providing fire safety consultations as well as top-quality fire suppression equipment. Fire extinguisher requirements Chapter 6.2 of the NFPA 10 lists the... View Article
April 30, 2020 9:39 pm
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Homes and commercial and industrial buildings can catch fire easily. It’s a terrifying prospect—who wants to see their home or workplace go up in smoke? The importance of fire prevention can’t be emphasized enough, especially knowing the most common causes of fires in Longview, TX. The more you know, the better prepared you will be to prevent fires, or deal with them if they should occur. The most common causes of fires These are the top causes of fires in Longview, TX, including residences, commercial buildings, industrial facilities and laboratories: Faulty wiring: If you’re in an older home or building,... View Article
April 16, 2020 11:26 pm
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If you’re a business owner, you probably already know that fire extinguishers need to be inspected according to national, state and local regulations. Generally, you should expect to inspect them visually once per month, with a maintenance inspection every year and an internal inspection every five, six or 12 years. (This depends on the type of extinguisher you’re using.) Many of our customers ask us if they need a fire extinguisher inspection for new fire extinguishers in Longview, TX. After all, they’re brand new pieces of equipment—they should work, right? Unfortunately, things can go wrong during the manufacturing and shipping... View Article