January 30, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
Fire extinguishers are designed to help save lives. Unfortunately, like many things, they sit inside the house or office, and you forget about them. While you hope the need never arises to use your fire extinguishers, you want to be sufficiently prepared. This means having your fire extinguisher inspected on a regular basis—something many people don’t even realize needs to be done. Visual Fire Extinguisher Inspection Ideally, as a homeowner or business owner, you should perform a thorough visual inspection of all fire extinguishers on the property. In doing so, you will ensure the fire extinguisher is where you need... View Article
December 30, 2021 11:13 pm
Published by Writer
What are clean agent fire suppression systems? The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) classifies clean agents as extinguishants that don’t produce leftover residue after evaporation. Clean agents may either be electrically nonconductive, volatile or gaseous and are great at combating Class A, B and C fires. Many people prefer waterless fire systems, like clean agents, as they prevent sprinkler systems from damaging valuable property. Read on if you’re interested in learning more about clean agent fire suppression systems. Benefits of clean agent fire suppression systems There are many benefits of waterless fire suppression systems, no matter which type you choose.... View Article
December 15, 2021 11:13 pm
Published by Writer
No matter where you work, it’s paramount to invest in the right emergency safety signs and lighting. Emergency lighting and safety signs can help turn a chaotic situation into a safe and manageable one. If your building doesn’t already have these essential safety measures, invest in emergency sign installation right away. Doing so can help you and everyone else in the building avoid serious injury in the event of an emergency. Below, we cover everything you need to know about emergency signs and lighting. Use the information to help you find the perfect emergency safety signs and lighting for your... View Article
November 30, 2021 11:12 pm
Published by Writer
Paint booths act as a controlled area to spray pressurized paint. These booths may either be fully or semi-enclosed and always feature a strong ventilation system. While these booths are designed with fire prevention in mind, fires can always occur due to the flammable nature of certain paints. That’s why it’s important to invest in top-quality paint booth fire systems for protection. Read on if you’re interested in learning more about paint booth fire protection and the requirements surrounding it. NFPA 33 In many areas, including Texas, regulations require paint fire booth fire systems to fall in line with the... View Article
November 15, 2021 11:12 pm
Published by Writer
For some factories, paint booths are a necessity. These structures provide a safe environment for professionals to spray-paint vehicles, furniture and many other products. If your factory uses these structures, it’s important to invest in top-quality paint booth fire systems for protection. Failing to do so can result in worker injury as well as expensive fees and other penalties. Below, you’ll find all the information you need on paint booth fire protection systems, including where to find them. The importance of paint booth fire protection systems Paint booth fire protection systems not only protect everyone inside the booth but also... View Article