Author Archives for admin

What is the leading cause of fires in restaurants?

August 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Fire is a very real concern in any kitchen. In restaurant kitchens, it can risk not only lives but also the building itself. There are a few different causes of fires that we can all be aware of. There are some causes that are more common than others, and knowing what the number one cause of restaurant fires is can really make a difference. What Is the Number One Cause of Restaurant Fires? Fires in a commercial kitchen can start anywhere. What might not seem like a hazard can bring on a fire that totals the building and causes major damage.... View Article

5 Leading Causes of House Fires

August 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

House fires can occur when you are not expecting them to and can progress quickly, turning something minor into something immediately dangerous for everyone. House fires can be destructive, leading to property damage that can cost you a fortune. When dealing with an open flame, you should always take the proper precautions. Read on further to learn about some of the most common causes of house fires. Common Causes of House Fires Fire extinguishers should be within your possession. They can help suppress a house fire pretty quickly if they are contained in one area. Here are five common causes of house fires.... View Article

Fire Suppression System Design and Consulting

July 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A lot goes into planning a successful business. Fire safety is one detail that simply cannot be overlooked at your business location. Your fire safety system will greatly impact the overall safety of your building and the long-term success of your company. Let’s look at five important steps to planning your fire protection system. First Things First When you start designing your system, you need to remember your primary goal: protecting the people who enter your building. Every decision when planning your fire protection system should center around this main goal. This is never the place to cut corners to speed... View Article

What Are the Requirements For Emergency Lighting?

July 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Emergency lighting is a safety system present in any commercial or industrial building. Building codes require it in most jurisdictions, and its purpose is to provide illumination in the event of a power outage or other emergency. This means that all commercial and industrial buildings must have emergency lighting installed. As a business owner or a safety expert in an industrial building, you need to know the code requirements for emergency lighting. Depending on the type of occupancy, these requirements will vary. Here is a general overview of some of the most common requirements: 1. Emergency Exit Sighs Generally, all... View Article

A Breakdown of Commercial Fire Suppression Systems

June 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The fire protection needs of commercial buildings will vary from building to building. But what they do all have in common is the need for some form of fire protection. This quick guide will help you better understand the different fire suppression systems available so that you can decide which ones are right for your location. Let’s get started. Sprinklers Fire sprinklers are a truly effective way to protect a structure from spreading fires. Sprinklers work by sensing when the temperature of a room has gone up. When the temp reaches a certain degree, the sprinklers will be activated. To... View Article