October 1, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
No matter where you live, ensuring that you and your family are safe is very important. One important part of this is ensuring that all people are prepared for an emergency, such as a fire. You can ensure you and your family are prepared by focusing on fire safety and creating a fire escape plan. When you have a proper plan, everyone will be ready to react in an otherwise hectic situation. You can follow various tips to help you create and implement a quality plan. Have a Way To Get Out Quickly The most important part of any fire escape... View Article
May 15, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
Fires can happen anytime and anywhere. In the United States, a house fire is reported every 86 seconds. A home fire is most likely to start in the kitchen, so it’s important to be extra careful when cooking. Fire suppression systems and fire extinguishers are your best line of defense against a fire. Here are 12 simple ways to avoid a fire in your home: 1. Be Mindful of What You Place Near the Stove Keep things that can catch on fire away from your stove. This includes things like potholders, towels, paper and curtains. 2. Stay in Kitchen While... View Article
May 1, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
When it comes to fire safety, having some knowledge of fire suppression is just one part of being prepared. Summer is a wonderful time of year, but it is also the season when it is most important to follow basic safety tips. Safe grilling tips Backyard grilling is a popular summer pastime, and many summer events revolve around cooking out on the grill. Grills can be dangerous if they are left unattended or not used properly. But, with these basic tips, you can minimize the chance of fire while keeping everyone happily fed! Be sure that all your fire-starting items like lighter fluid and... View Article
July 8, 2021 3:42 pm
Published by Writer
Whenever you have an open flame burning around your house, it’s important to make sure you maintain good fire safety practices. If you fail to practice good fire safety, a small flame could quickly turn into a large blaze. Here are just a few fire safety tips you should follow that will help you practice good fire safety all year round, regardless of whether you have anything burning at the time: Test your smoke alarms: Your smoke alarms are what alert you to the presence of a fire that has grown out of control. Smoke alarms save lives, so it’s... View Article