May 24, 2021 11:18 pm
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A mobile home, like a traditional home, should be equipped with various fire safety measures. Mobile homes are required to have smoke alarms installed, but you should consider investing in a fire blanket and a fire extinguisher too. However, it’s important to understand that the best fire extinguisher for your home garage or kitchen wouldn’t be ideal for a mobile home, due to the differences in size and flammable material. This article will explore the best fire extinguishers for an RV, caravan or camper in Longview, TX. Amerex B417T This fire extinguisher has a 2.5-pound canister (which is ideal for... View Article
May 10, 2021 11:18 pm
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There are many reasons to purchase a fire extinguisher for your home. They can provide the ability to put out or control fires, which would give you or your family a chance to escape to safety and help minimize damage. Fire extinguishers can also offer a quick solution to any fire. Many people panic when there’s a fire in their home, and having a fire extinguisher equipped to put out all kinds of fires (wood, trash, grease, electrical) can provide safety and security. But there are several fire extinguishers, available on the market with many different characteristics. Here is what... View Article
April 20, 2021 1:50 pm
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While fire sprinkler systems are one of the most common fire protection methods for commercial spaces, there are some situations where other forms of fire control are more effective. Sprinklers can cause plenty of damage, especially in environments with sensitive materials like electronics. If you own a business, a clean agent fire suppression system could be a great alternative to traditional sprinklers. Here are the top four benefits of clean agent fire protection systems and how they can benefit your commercial space in Longview, TX. They prevent water damage One of the key benefits of clean agent fire protection systems... View Article
April 6, 2021 1:50 pm
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Having a properly installed fire suppression system is crucial in the event of a fire at your business. While extinguishing the fire is of utmost importance, the water and oily chemical materials of many fire suppression systems can actually cause as much damage to your building and its contents as the fire itself. Luckily, clean agent fire suppression systems provide an innovative solution to this problem, using safe and reliable protectants that put out fires while keeping your electronics and furniture safe. If you’re installing a new system or refurbishing an old one, here’s how clean agent fire suppression systems... View Article
March 19, 2021 2:37 pm
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Fire safety is an important part of owning a business, but there are different aspects of fire safety to consider. For example, what is the difference between fire protection, prevention and suppression in Longview, TX? Read on to find out which type of system is right for your business. Fire protection This is implemented in the design process for a new building. The goal of fire protection is to protect anyone in the building and minimize the damage should a fire occur. It doesn’t always stop a fire from happening, but instead focuses on reducing damage to the structure and... View Article