March 21, 2020 12:48 am
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Fires are classified by what feeds them. Depending on the fuel, there are different ways to extinguish them, and your choice of extinguisher will not just determine its effectiveness—it will also determine safety. If you run a busy metal fabrication shop, it is important to enact a fire safety program and have the right extinguishers at hand in case your workers face a metal fire. Start with learning why it’s important to know the classes of fires and how to extinguish them. This is why every shop in Longview, TX needs Class D fire extinguishers. What is a Class D... View Article
March 7, 2020 12:48 am
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There is a classification system for fires that determines how you extinguish them. Depending on what feeds them, different extinguisher mixes are needed to ensure you can put out a fire rather than make it worse or risk emitting toxic fumes. Class K fire extinguishers are what you need in your kitchen in Longview, TX. Here is what to know about them to keep your premises safe. What are Class K fires? Class K fires arise from flammable liquids used for cooking, like vegetable and animal fat-based oils and greases. They are one of the more dangerous fires to combat,... View Article
February 20, 2020 7:32 pm
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Most Americans don’t know how to operate a classic ABC fire extinguisher, let alone that there are different kinds of different classes of fire. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are used for specific types of fire—unlike classic ABC fire extinguishers, they’re distinguishable by a hard horn and absence of a pressure gauge. When you need your own carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers in Longview, TX, be sure to stop by Anchor Safety Inc. We offer a variety of fire prevention and suppression supplies, and can show you how to operate them properly. What kind of fires are CO2 extinguishers used for?... View Article
February 6, 2020 7:32 pm
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Ideally, none of us would ever need to operate a fire extinguisher, but it’s smart to be prepared for any circumstance. You probably walk by fire extinguishers every day, but you might not be aware that there are different types of extinguishers for different classes of fires—or how to use one when the unexpected happens. For most buildings and fires, ABC dry chemical extinguishers are a classic choice in Longview, TX. They can handle three different types of fire, are easy to operate and are easily recognizable. Read on for an overview of what you should consider when getting and... View Article
January 27, 2020 6:34 pm
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When a fire breaks out, it’s always good to have a fire extinguisher on hand to put out the flame, but sometimes that isn’t enough. The best way to fight a fire is with a built-in system that goes off the instant smoke or a flame is detected. Instead of installing a traditional sprinkler system, opt for a clean agent system that puts out fires using inert gases instead of water. Keep reading to learn more about clean agent systems in Longview, TX. What are the benefits? We wouldn’t specialize in installing clean agent systems if they didn’t offer quite... View Article