November 1, 2022 12:00 am
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There are many things in life we never hope we have to count on, but when we do, we sure are glad they are there — and they work. From the brakes on our vehicles to battery radios and fire extinguishers, these are potentially life-saving everyday things we never think about, but we should. And the same reason we should get regular fire extinguisher inspection services is the same reason we should get our brakes checked and test our batteries. The Importance of Fire Extinguisher Inspection Services The picture isn’t difficult to imagine. That small trash can fire, or smoking... View Article
October 15, 2022 12:00 am
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When it comes to smaller household or business fires, fire extinguishers serve as the initial line of defense. However, in order to remain functional, they must be fully charged and pressurized. Otherwise, they serve no true purpose during an emergency. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with the importance of fire extinguisher recharging. Why Do Fire Extinguishers Require Recharging? Think about your vehicle. You wouldn’t continue to drive it without performing any kind of routine maintenance on it. If you did, you can’t possibly expect it to work properly. The same goes for fire extinguishers. In order to be effective in an... View Article
October 1, 2022 12:00 am
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No matter where you live, ensuring that you and your family are safe is very important. One important part of this is ensuring that all people are prepared for an emergency, such as a fire. You can ensure you and your family are prepared by focusing on fire safety and creating a fire escape plan. When you have a proper plan, everyone will be ready to react in an otherwise hectic situation. You can follow various tips to help you create and implement a quality plan. Have a Way To Get Out Quickly The most important part of any fire escape... View Article
September 15, 2022 12:00 am
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You probably know it’s necessary to have a sound fire alarm system in your home to give you a heads-up about a hazard. But have you ever wondered how those fire alarms came to be and their history? Here’s a little information about the origin of fire alarms for your education. The First Fire Alarm Patent People have been trying to develop a system to effectively detect smoke and fire for centuries. In 1902, George Andrew Darby received a patent for the most primitive smoke alarm system. Poison Control Device Works on Smoke A Swiss man created a device to... View Article
September 1, 2022 12:00 am
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Are you looking to upgrade the fire protection plan that you currently have for your business? If this sounds like you, you need to first find out about the different fire alarm systems available. Fire alarms serve one purpose: to protect your assets from fires that can cause great devastation. They can detect smoke, heat, or any other sign that there is an active fire in your business. Choosing the Right Fire Alarm System for Your Company or Home Here are some ways to ensure fire safety within your home or business. There are several things to consider when picking... View Article